Happy almost birthday Daddy!!!
I hope moving day is coming along for you guys! I wish I was there to make the load a little lighter but I am glad people from the ward helped out. You should have asked the missionaries to help! Dad I got that big strong... handshake from Elder Bertagna lol. I also got dos packages. MUCHISIMOS GRACIAS!!!! en serio it made me so happy to have a little bit of home. Everyone loves seeing pictures of the fam. I get told quite often how beautiful my family is...I always think "I know" haha it's true!
Anyway, this was a long week but we are making progress with "A"! He is not smoking anymore...Miracle! His wife is so adorable, she is like a mom for us. We had a cita with them last night; we were later than expected because of a missionary meeting, but they waited for us to have 'once'. She has been waiting for her husband to be baptized for years...praying and praying and hoping. She has even propsed to him to marry her in the temple. She calls us her angels because he has been smoking for 25 years and we come in, teach him the word of wisdom and boom lol. This sunday he will be baptized! I am so excited for him and his family. Their grandson is my pololo (boyfriend) ;) They have really taught me patience though. Patience with others and patience with ourselves. We are all trying to reach the same goal, we are just at different points on the path. The only way to reach eternal life together is by helping one another along the way.
Monica and Hellen came to church yesterday!! miracle. Hellen calls me Hermana Barbie lol. Hellen is so ready to be baptized, we are working on getting Monica to church and strengthening her faith. She has witnessed such a big change in her family because of the gospel, I do not doubt one bit that she will be baptized, she just needs a little more time! But we aren't going to baptize Hellen without Monica so we are just strengthening them together to prepare for basptism.
We also had 2 of our less active families attend church yesterday, super awesome.
Oh! 1 of the hermanos in our retention rodrigo just got married in the temple in the philippines. he brought his wife back and she speaks NO spanish whatsoever. We became friends because she knows english and we are learning español together. :) She is super sweet and strong! What courgae to come to a different country where you don't speak the language...now that is true love! They communicate in english which is kind of funny because neither of them speak english super super well. Yeah, we had a ward welcome wedding reception friday night for them. Everyone was dancing and a lot of songs were in english...torture.
Earlier in the week we went on divisions with Hermana Jorgenson, our Hermana leader. She is super great! She taught me a lot. She was so great at asking inspired questions, something I definitely need to work on. We always need to put our trust in the Lord and anytime we have a prompting, just ACT.
"Mar" flipping finished the book of mormon, but is a little more complicated than we thought!! She knows the book is true and she wants to get baptized. Her husband is where we need to focus...he has some issues. Right now we are visiting with her a lot and strengthening her faith to act, but we really want them to progress as a family. Always be a good listener; be a friend, be kind. A lot of people have inner struggles, you never know what they are going through but if you really pay attention you can be of service. Many people are fighting silent battles and we need to try to help build them up.
The dogs here are literally crazy! We watched one dog climb up and over a fence like a cat...what the heck?!
We had some awkwards this week too... People like to confide in us because we are missionaries, but sometimes they just say way too much haha. I am having quite the experience lol.
Last week we have a mega zone conference with 4 other zones I think (btw dad there are 12 zones in my mission) It just pumped me up so much. I am so grateful to be a missionary! I have so much to learn though and so many things I know I need to do better but I am trying to take it one step at a time. It is not easy being a missionary. One thing that I have really come to realize is that we need to coninually ask if the things we study in the sciptures are true. This week as I was praying I asked Heavenly Father, "are you there listneing to me?" Immediately I thought of the song A Child's Prayer. look it up if you do not know it, inspiring words!
We have another baptismal date for the 6 abril! general conference day.
Go the extra mile this week to help someone out...we all need some lovin'.
Keep the faith, Trust in the lord with everything you do. Keep on moving forward!
TT, you and your family are in my prayers. Turn to the Lord in this time of need. I know He will be with you every step of the way!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know the Lord is watching over you. I love you!!
Much love,
Hermana Barbie ;)
MTC Package & Valentine's Day/Birthday Package |
My loot! |
I can be close to Cole anywhere;) |
"Selfie" |
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